Care guide

General information.
When the silicone or the TPE dolls are laid aside for a longer time, it can then accrue an oil leakage to the surface where the doll was placed. This is because oil is contained in the silicone or the TPE formula. By help of powdering the dolls with talcum or cornstarch can prevent the oil from staining to another surface. The powder can also make the surface of the doll very smooth and can prevent the dust from sticking.

Cleaning the surface.
Clean the surface of the doll gently by using a sponge or towel with warm water. It is forbidden to use force in this process. Be gentle while wiping the surface. You can add soap to remove dirt or anything sticking to the surface. When the doll is clean, let the doll dry before you apply the powder to the surface. Important! Wear a mask while applying the powder to the doll.

Maintenance of the joints.
Avoid highly bent joints for a long time while storing. The effect that this can cause is wrinkles and creases that can appear on its surface. The best way to prevent this is to store the doll the same way it came. You can also connect the doll to a stand without being afraid of damaging the doll for a long time in storage or display. Wrinkles and creases will disappear after a longer time. Highly twisted joints can damage the silicone.

Makeup on the doll.
Silicone dolls are painted with permanent makeup that usually won't come off if the doll is handled the correct way. With too much force when wiping the doll, the makeup can fade. Many of today's brands are applying a thin silicone coating that increases the lifespan of the makeup. TPE dolls don't have the same possibility to be painted the same way, and the paint can fall off. For some of the heads that are made in TPE, the makeup can fade very fast. We don't have any of those heads on our website that are made in TPE. Be also very careful around the eyelashes and eyebrows when cleaning the face.

Storage environment.
To prevent any damage to the silicone or the internal skeleton that can accrue, you will need a good storage environment for the doll.
1. The doll should not be exposed to direct sunlight like any other product.
2. The doll can be sticky and gather dust with static electricity. Powder the doll and avoid dusty places.
3. Moisty environments should be avoided because the dolls have spongy foam around the skeleton to lower the weight. The sponge can start to absorb the water if the doll is exposed for a longer time.
4. Avoid clothing that can stain the doll, especially dyed leather. Please wash the clothes 3-4 times before putting it on.
5. Storage temperature should be around 5-35C.
6. Storing the doll compressed or squeezed will damage the doll.

Dolls are very fragile and heavy products. They shall be handled with care and knowledge to avoid certain damages. Avoid sharp objects near the doll and preventing the water from getting inside are some of the most important things.